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Sometimes i wonder why we seldom praise people and cheer up people when we suppose to do so? People now is like too hypocrite to praise and too intention to cheer. oooo...... When they really mean it, it's the time they wanna bring you down with their word and not praising. Well well well, who are them who dare to judge you? wHO are the one who give them permits to judge us? They are such busy-body indeed. I hope i'm not one of them. My mum always scold me for not saying a good word to praise people. Well, i hope i'll able to empower this tool.
Maybe it is a culture and upbringing problem. If i have not study psychology before, I will really get anger and get their mouth tear off. "Forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing."
God is good, He is so the most clever one in existence.
You know what? i have currently come to out that people around are trying to mold me into something i am not. For what they do and What they say, you reaction and respond is what they wanna see and how they mold you into trap. Well, hell no to them! FOr God has grant me good perceptive and perspective, i will rather be patience and calm down to think for my reaction and response. Never allow contamination. RUn away from me you little wicked devil!!!!
Oh.. it all just make me breathless to listen someone who is so negative in thinking. I have come to realize and even able to picture a this person life if negative thought never fade off. Oh, how patience is God that He can bear this kind of people in the world. Man ! human is indeed damn lot like this.
I love myself a lot. Never will let myself suffer. However if i would have to describe myself. I would like to say, I am a diamond yet not yet being discover by human. Someone said, no pressure no diamond, well i am now under pressure. :)
People bring in sarcastic words , i bear.
People who is so caring even mind my business, i ignore.
People who is making me a fool, i am patience.
People who bring me down when i need encouragement, i keep silence.
What they have gone through i observed.
For all that i see them like i see myself in the mirror.
How foolish am i before.
Oh, God is just too patience enough to bear with me during all these 22 years.
THank God! God is good all the time.
I am having my exam these few weeks. Despite lamenting about my stress, i think it's real time for me to count my blessing today.
It was a scorching heat afternoon, i was overwhelmed with my morning exam, waiting to sleep , laying on my bed. My mind was full of thoughts and happiness. GUess what? :)
FInally, i got 3 As for my 3 nursing ospe. It was totally not my own effort. I had prayed for long before i went through it all. Even though i've to spending some of my times in serving for his ministry.... he will always be with me helping me up. God is really great! I just can't get enough to praise him more... He use me in his way, and all i need to do is that to have faith in him. Oh my... you know how amazing is it? i shall not lean on my own wisdom for my wisdom is too shallow for God! :) Thanks God!
Last year, i had tried my best in anyway... but in vain , even though i practised more than this time which i had. i try to use my logical thinking and wisdom. However, i finally found.... He is the one who i suppose to lean on!